

One of the most valuable markets in the world is the diagnostics sector. But the market has made significant progress in terms of increasing disease prevalence and raising consumer awareness. Manufacturers of medical diagnostic equipment have emerged as a result. Healthcare diagnostic services have become price-driven business referral payments to doctors because of intense competition in the industry. In the healthcare sector, imaging and diagnostic services are important profit generators. The use of medical diagnostic equipment in diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment is essential. India has the potential to develop into a major international centre for the provision of diagnostic medical services.


Among the rare diseases representing about of presently diagnosed rare disease victims

Artificial Intelligence for Brain MRI

Artificial intelligence AI is a broad and evolving field that develops computer systems to simulate human intelligence in areas such as visual perception speech recognition and decisionmaking

Make in India for the world

The way forward for Indian IVD industry

The Indian healthcare sector one of its fastest growing industries is expected to grow at a CAGR of per cent to touch US billion by

Diagnostics Industry

Shaping the transformation of the healthcare industry

The transformation were witnessing in the healthcare industry today is unparalleled and sets the tone for the evolution we will witness over the next decade I see three major drivers that will shape the future of our industry

Digital Radiography

Efficiency With Automated System Movements

There are numerous factors that drive a radiology department to adopt digital imaging technology The use of the Picture Archiving and Communications System PACS and hospital managements need to optimise operating costs for higher efficiency are only two examples

Vibration Response Imaging

A new methodology for measurement of lung vibrations

In the hands of a trained physician the stethoscope has been an excellent tool to assess the air moving through a patients lung But its usefulness is limited due to the range of audible frequencies as well as outside interferences The VRIXP is a unique new lung imaging system developed by Deep Breeze in Israel Based on the science of Vibration Resp...


Many aspects have certainly changed For one many procedures were postponed by healthcare professionals in line with medical guidelines and society recommendations This can delay critical diagnosis and treatment for severe diseases


Quicker expansion to bring more value and accessibility to patients

The global cancer burden is raising an alarm for healthcare leaders worldwide Cancer claimed million lives in The International Agency for Research on Cancer IARC estimates that in people develop cancer in their lifetime and these new estimates suggest that more than million people are living within five years of a past cancer diagnosis With m...

Transformative Radiology

Academic health centres follow the tripartite mission of advancing clinical care education and research Academic physicians have the opportunity to pursue focused excellence in clinical and translational research medical education safety and quality global health health care informatics and public advocacy

Cultivating Clinical Clarity through Computer Vision: A Current Perspective on Whole Slide Imaging and Artificial Intelligence

Nearly years have passed since Emperor Marcus Aurelius sought reinforcement for a society decimated by the first wave of the deadliest pandemic to impact ancient Rome The same factors lauded as strengths for the seemingly impenetrable empire eg expansive trade networks and large crowded populations were those which ultimately led to its demise The...

Harvard Medical School - Leadership in Medicine Southeast Asia47th IHF World Hospital Congress